Assignment 1: Reading a Paper


Research gets transmitted in many forms — demos, code, talks, and more — but its formal report most often occurs through a written paper. The paper explains the problem, the approach, and an evaluation. When ready, the academic submits the paper for review by other academics; once it passes this peer review process, the paper appears at a venue such as conference or journal. Since most research is disseminated in the form of papers, it's critical to be able to read research papers and make sense of them.

Your first assignment will be to read a paper in the area of your project interest, and to synthesize its main argument into a detailed outline. In addition, you will be getting set up with any prerequisites for your section. Don't underestimate the time required for either of these!

Part 1: Read a Paper

Read a paper and outline its argument and structure.

Each section has listed one paper below. Find yourself a quiet place and work your way through it. Don't worry if you can't understand every detail; focus on understanding the paper's big ideas and how they are argued. It can take time to read a paper — don't feel discouraged if it takes you a long time.

Outlining a Paper

Your outline should recompress the paper back into an outline format that explains the paper's argument. We suggest the following structure of one paragraph per bullet, with an example outline following the description:

  • Title: What paper did you read?
  • Problem: What problem is it solving? Why does this problem matter?
  • Assumption in prior work: What was the assumption that prior research made when solving this problem? Why was that assumption inadequate?
  • Insight: What is the novel idea that this paper introduces, breaking from that prior assumption?
  • Technical overview: How did the paper implement that insight? I.e., What did they build, or what did they prove, and how?
  • Proof: How did the paper evaluate or prove that its insight is correct, and is better than holding on to the old assumption?
  • Impact: What are the implications of this paper? How will it change how we think about the problem?

You may adapt this structure if needed for the paper you are outlining; check with your TA first if your proposed structure deviates by more than one bullet.

Example, for the paper Flash Organizations: Crowdsourcing Complex Work by Structuring Crowds As Organizations:

  • Title: Flash Organizations: Crowdsourcing Complex Work by Structuring Crowds As Organizations
  • Problem: Crowdsourcing has been used successfully for many goals that can be decomposed into small, modular microtasks, but it has struggled to achieve more complex goals such as design and engineering. For example, tasks such as image labeling work because it's modularizable, but design is interdependent and requires adapting as you go, so crowdsourcing has succeeded at image labeling but failed at design. If crowdsourcing is limited to modular tasks, then it will never be able to achieve goals of meaningful complexity, which will limit its impact on the world.
  • Assumption in prior work: Prior work all takes an algorithmic model of crowdsourcing: the programmer specifies who does what, and when, in a kind of big algorithmic recipe to follow. This assumption shows up in goals ranging from Wikipedia ("edit this page"), to interactive crowd-powered interfaces ("find errors" --> "fix errors" --> "verify fixes"), to open source software ("create a module with this fixed API").
  • Insight: This paper proposed that instead of coordinating crowds as we do algorithms, that we should be coordinating crowds as we do with organizations. They propose a series of computationally-enhanced versions of the structures that organizations use — roles, tasks, hierarchy, and so on — and introduce the idea of a flash organization, which is a rapidly assembled collective of online collaborators who use these computational organizational structures to coordinate.
  • Technical overview: The authors created a system called Foundry that implements these ideas. Foundry is a web interface that connects to the Upwork online labor marketplace to draw on-demand expertise. It uses a combination of first-come-first-served hiring queues and Slack integration to bring workers onboard and keep them updated. It introduces an adaptation model drawn from the metaphor of code branching and merging to enable the organization to adapt.
  • Proof: Three non-crowdsourcing experts used the system to convene and lead flash organizations to achieve proof-of-concept complex goals. These experts created (1) a tablet system for EMTs to report medical trauma cases enroute to the hospital, (2) a card game for storytelling, which was playtested and iterated upon, and (3) an enterprise-grade event planning system that had to meet branding and security standards.
  • Impact: Flash organizations offer a broad new view of crowdsourcing — one that's not rooted in Tayloristic algorithms, but instead in an organizational metaphor. This approach can achieve far more complex outcomes, enabling crowdsourcing to apply to a broad new class of problems. It has implications for the future of work (how do we protect labor rights?), for organizations (what will organizations look like in the future if flash organizations are widely deployed?), and for collaboration (will we all work remotely?).


Here are the papers per section. Look at your section's project list and pick the paper that corresponds to a project that intrigues you.

Note: If you encounter a "Get Access" paywall on the below links (e.g., for IEEE or ACM), make sure you are using Stanford's EZproxy.

Kanishk's section:

Brando's section — pick one of:

Kexin's section:

Part 2: Section Starter Task

Complete starter task for your section

Kanishk's section: starter task details.

Brando's section: starter task details.

Kexin's section: starter task details


You are expected to submit two PDFs and one form for this assignment:

  • Submit a PDF with your paper outline on Canvas.
  • Submit a PDF for your section’s starter task on Canvas.
  • Submit your responses to the project ranking form linked above.


Your outline will be graded on the following rubric:

  • Accuracy: does the description correctly describe the paper?
  • Completeness: does the description capture all the important ideas in the paper? (Not all the ideas! All the important ideas.)
  • Clarity: does the description convey the ideas understandably to the reader?

In addition, your starter task will be graded based on completion.